Getting Real Results from Your Digital Marketing Campaign (Part 1)

Businesses grow because they succeed in a few critical areas. Three of those areas for any business is that they:

  • Sell in greater quantities, or with greater frequency, to existing customers and clients
  • Sell to new customers and clients
  • Sell additional products and services to existing and new customers and clients

When a business wants to succeed in those areas it must market effectively. Successful businesses begin by getting the strategies for their digital marketing campaign in place. Once done, they can effectively work on their roll-out plan(s). After that, it is more about how clear they make their marketing message, how often the market gets the message, and how well the market receives the message.

In this series of articles we will explore the essential points, so your growing business can succeed, too. We will avoid describing what not to do, and we will focus on what TO do.

The Basics of Your Strategy

Know your market. This is Rule #1. Most of your existing customers and clients buy from you for common reasons. When you are really clear about why they buy, you can work out what you need to do to encourage them to keep buying, to buy more and to look favorably on new ideas you offer them.

Clarify your message. This is Rule #2. People who have a choice, buy because they get what they consider to be ‘value for money’. People who don’t have a choice, don’t care; they just buy.

Here’s an example. If a man falls in a river, and you offer to sell him a rope, he is unlikely to ask you to demonstrate how strong the rope is, or to prove you can keep hold of the other end to pull him out. He’ll just buy the rope. Most customers do have a choice, so your marketing message must prove how they get real value for money from becoming or staying your customer.

Use the right medium. This is Rule #3. You must speak to your market about the value of your product or service so they hear, see, believe and want.

You must speak to them on their wavelength, and that means you must find where they digitally hang out. When you know how to contact them you can work out how to communicate with them. When you know that, you can put your marketing steps in place, so you keep hitting them where they live.

In our next article we will explore some goals and objectives of your digital marketing campaign.